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TESL 0170 - Practicum - Personal Reflection

As my TESL journey comes to an end, I wanted to take a few minutes for myself to reflect on my learning journey.  When I started I did not know how long it would take to complete the program and was not fully convinced that completion was the goal.  Learning was the goal.  As I struggled though the sheer volume of content I have at times struggled significantly and have considered withdrawal from some courses.  By the time I considered that in most cases, I felt I should keep pushing through as it would have been a waste to give up on the effort and achievement to that point.  At times I have struggled to manage work, life, family, and university integration.  I can honestly say that this program has stretched me - definitely bending, at times close to breaking.  Some of that is due to other life factors that were occurring simultaneously, but regardless I am proud of myself, my commitment to keep going and the final outcomes thus far.  The d...

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