TESL Best Practices
TESL Best Practices - Speaking & Listening
TESL 0110: Unit 3 - Best Practices - Corrective Feedback on Writing/Grammar w/Sample
In the Benchmark 6 Writing Sample, the student does a good job of sharing about the topic using appropriate vocabulary, noting main ideas and continuing with subordinate concepts. There is good paragraph structure to the text to break the concepts apart. They are since in their writing and engaging in their arguments. The following were what I would consider to be my main concerns with this text:
- missing or incorrect articles
- verb tenses were incorrect
- spelling mistakes
- capitalization missing
At Benchmark 6, the student should be able to correct their own spelling mistakes and capitalization issues, and I think they should be able to review and adjust most of their articles and verb tenses. Those last two are more difficult, and support may be required. I would likely note missing or areas that need to be corrected on the text by underlining the areas where there are mistakes, and ask the student to make corrections on their own referring to past work and previous writing they have done or samples that have been provided. The student would ask for help if they cannot resolve a concern and if there are more students struggling with the same things we could have a discussion in class. If there is a specific concern, it should be dealt with personally without drawing specific attention to the student. Praise in private/correct in private. I think it may be useful to have a rubric that the student may apply and they can also work with a partner for peer review before making a final rewrite for submission/adding to their portfolio (if PBLA required).
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