TESL 0150: Unit 1 - The Lorax and Other Quotes

The first week of learning is wrapping up.  What did I learn?  That is only moderately clear to me, but often the journey into learning for me does not bring things together until I am in the final stages of linking all the ideas and thoughts from a course.

Having said that, I was reminded of a few things that I wish I could be reminded of before I go through them.

If you have read my blog before, you know that I really like knowing things, but the learning journey is hard for me.  Earlier this week I almost gave up before really getting started because once again I was intimidated and worried about my ability to meet the course requirements based on available time in the coming weeks in order to be successful in the outcomes.  I received some sympathy, some encouragement,  and then my son "showed up" and said... "so what".  As in, quit complaining and get on with it.  He is also studying independently to gain additional certification in his chosen field.  I can say that I really wanted coddling and he was not having any of it.  And, together with the encouragement, sympathy, and a group of women in the TESL 0150 class who said they would like to work together, I feel more like the plan to engage is possible.  All this to say, learning is emotional.  Not just for me, but for others, and this week was again a good reminder of what the learners I work with experience as they learn.  Thus far, I have felt this every time, and I make it through.  I really thought that I was prepared this time and that I would not have the same feelings.  That did not happen, BUT I think I have recovered better than I have in the past - that is growth, and that is what learning is about.

On to one of the topics of the week: in refreshing my own knowledge about attribution and copyright I am reminded that if what I write, create, think has value, then it is also true for others and it is important they also receive credit or acknowledgement.  I know that my awareness was heightened when I began the first TESL course, but a reminder and a greater understanding is useful.  First it does reinforce the concepts of other learning (review/reminder/reinforcement/transfer) and it helps me to scaffold my learning from previous courses into what I do today.  I confess that I find the rules of attribution to be confusing and tiresome - using APA format for referencing is time consuming, can be frustrating, and is absolutely necessary to ensure that others receive credit as credit is due.

Recently I created a survey for a training event at work and I used a quote from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.  It speaks to me about choosing to do that which is important, even if it is difficult, tedious, inconvenient.  Turns out it applies to me when considering attribution and copyright also.  If I do not care, why would others?  And even if they choose not to care, that choice is not an option for me.  I choose to care, because it matters.

I hope I cited the reference correctly - if not, I am open to correction!


Seuss, Dr. (Date Unavailable) [The Lorax "Unless" quote] 
Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=the+Lorax+quotes&tbm=isch&tbas=0&source=lnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ6LbU08DgAhWGnoMKHeT2BQQQpwUIIQ&biw=1366&bih=664&dpr=1#imgrc=U0Fzck1gK8ZHlM:
