TESL 0140: Unit 1 - Needs Assessment For Buying a home
Needs Assessment - Buying a Home
While the concept of needs assessment is not new, my experience is more in line with big picture needs in a corporate context. Since I am not yet working in the classroom I do not have a significant amount of experience around classroom lesson needs assessment.
For those of you reading this blog post - I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note that for the specific context around buying a house there is a non-profit company in Winnipeg called New Journey Housing and they are a great resource for information on buying and renting in Manitoba. They work with newcomers to provide support around renting and purchasing good, affordable housing in Manitoba. I referred to their site after I completed my needs assessment to validate some of the content and ideas I included in my needs assessment.
I also expanded the context of the assignment to include some information around financial literacy as this is a difficult concept for many newcomers and to which knowledge is directly related to the subject of the assessment. I have noted it in the needs assessment contextual content around "why" and added content around financial literacy to the needs assessment itself.
You are teaching a CLB 7
class in a part-time five month LINC program. It’s the second month of the
instruction. One of the most popular topics your students chose in the initial
needs assessment was buying a house. You want to create a short needs
assessment to inform your module and lesson planning for this topic.
At this point the
learners have been in the class and any personal information I need I already
have access to for the purpose of understanding who the learners are in
relation to L1, culture, etc. This needs
assessment is to narrow the areas of interest regarding purchasing a house, and
determine if there are any specific needs around financial literacy in relation
to home ownership.
assessment will be done at the end of a class in order to prepare content for
the next class or series of classes.
I.e. if the classes are once a week, then I would prepare the assessment
for the first class of the 2nd month. We would do it after the lesson for the day
is mostly complete and reserve the last 15 minutes for the needs assessment
that will inform the coming lessons. The
context indicates the assessment should be “short”, so I have not allocated
more than 15 minutes for learners to complete the assessment.
Questionnaire – see
below for sample questionnaire for topics around buying a house. The questions include some where you can choose
one or more responses and some where you are asked to respond in short answers. The learners may not use their phones to
verify information or vocabulary.
The assessment will be
done in the classroom setting.
Buying a Home
Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________________
Please fill in the
blanks to help your teacher understand what you want to know about purchasing a
You are interested in
buying a house. Are you living there by
yourself or with others? There will be
_________________ living in the house.
What kind of house/home
would you like to buy (choose all that you’re interested in):
____ Single dwelling home
____ Condominium
____ Townhouse
____ Other (describe:
____ I don’t know the difference between the above
You need to know about:
____ Mortgages/Loans
____ Understanding credit
____ Interest rates and how they work
____ Insurance
____ Mortgage life insurance
____ Property insurance
On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you know about:
Don't know Anything....................................Know a lot
Don't know Anything....................................Know a lot
CMHC 1 2 3 4 5
Property Taxes 1 2 3 4 5
Credit rating 1 2 3 4 5
Is there anything else
you want to learn about that is not listed above?
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