Starting the Journey

What is the best way to start the journey?  Well, just start.  See if something works.

So, here I am, having never written a blog post before, trying to get the design I wanted to work, and once again struggling with technology.  How many hours have I spent this week working with technology and recording usernames and passwords?  I'm not telling you.  You don't want to know, and I'm embarrassed to say.

Who is the hero of my week thus far?  My son who set me up with two screens, an external keyboard (instead of the one on my laptop), and a mouse (so I don't have to use the laptop mouse pad).  I'm not sure that in my frustration, I've been grateful enough.  I'll tell him again later.

In the meantime... as per my regular course of life, I've been able to use my "learning" (that's a generous term thus far) and share my experience with someone who I've asked to engage in learning, in the hope that they know they're not alone in the process. For them, it means registering for a course when you haven't been in school for years, going to an unfamiliar place, trying new things, accepting change into your life and into the life of your family, and maybe a little bit of hope.  Yes, you can do this.  I believe in you.  You "got this".

Maybe I do too.  For those observing my journey, this is not a real blog post.  This is just a test.  Just starting.  To see if something works.


  1. Hi Dana! Your first blogpost reminded me of my "edtech" journey that I "documented" in ESLclaudie's e-learning blog I was lucky enough through TESLOntario be able to do two online courses (with financial support from CIC then) -ACE's Language Learning and Technology Parts One and Two through Mount Royal University. A life changing experience! I'm not that thrilled with the look and content of my blog..Early days. It is really just a repository but I thought you might enjoy seeing someone's else's early journey. Yes, especially in the beginning it is time consuming. But very rewarding.
    In terms of ESL blogs you might enjoy - another ESL instructor from Ontario. She wasn't at the LINCchat last night but often is.
    Her blog sets the standard!
    All the best,
    Yours in TRSL,
    p.s. A lot of people use Wordpress. I created a WP blog but don't use it. I might think about starting a "real" blog ( like you I still feel I am experimenting!) WP was more comokicated to set up than Blogger - but having it allows me to comment in other WP blogs.


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